Fediverse Server Tax

Tax Levy

Starting today, October 15th 2023, a tax will be levied on all of your Likes.

Each quarter you must give the Server 33% of your Likes. Many of you have hundreds of followers and produce valuable posts, however not everyone is so lucky. Many Members don't have access to popular memes and resources. It is not fair that they be discriminated against. At the discretion of your Admin representatives, the Like tax will be redistributed to those accounts.

Only Likes managed and issued on this Server may be used as legal tender for this tax. All other forms of interaction are subject to capital gains tax and will be taxed as income. The Server values your posts at 0 Likes per post, and therefore all interactions of any kind each quarter are subject to this tax and must be paid in Server-issued Likes. Interaction valuation which fraudulently purports to be legal tender is subject to seizure and criminal charges.

If you do not pay this tax, a lien will be placed against your account to garnish future Likes for the purposes of repayment. In the event of an exorbitant balance or one year of non-repayment, your account will be frozen, and you will receive NO interactions until this tax is paid. Other accounts will be able to send you DMs, and you may reply once, but you will not be able to initiate public or private messages.


Per the Server Rules set forth by our founding Admins, you have the right to make posts to redress your Admins for grievances. However, there are implied time and manner restrictions as to when you may do this, as adjudicated by our Supreme Moderators. Posts that interrupt Server operations, between the hours of 6AM and 10PM, are in violation of this test and subject you to account moderation.

However, be warned that the Like collectors are licensed by the Like Collection Service to carry and are armed with Deleters. Each Like Collector receives a minimum of 8 hours of Moderation and deescalation training. While they are not Moderators, they are bona fide Server agents and required by the Server Rules to use the minimum level of force necessary to do their duty to the Server.


The Server derives its authority by the consent of the Members. Any Member owing their allegiance to the Server, after filing forms and surrendering their posts to the Server, may depart from the Server. However, any Member who fails to surrender their Membership and, by their action express or implied betrays the Server, shall be declared Traitor and will be subject to seizure and imprisonment by the Server.